

The working principle and working process of belt filter press


1 working principle

The dehydration process of belt press filter can be divided into four important stages: pretreatment, gravity dehydration, wedge pre-pressure dehydration and press dehydration.

1.1 pretreatment stage:

The flocculated material is gradually added to the filter belt, so that the free water outside the floc is separated from the floc under gravity, and the water content of the sludge floc is gradually reduced and the fluidity becomes worse. Therefore, the dewatering efficiency of gravity dewatering section depends on the nature of filter media (filter belt), the nature of sludge and the degree of sludge flocculation. The gravity dewatering section removes a large portion of the water in the sludge.

1.2 wedge preloading dewatering stage:

After gravity dewatering, the fluidity of sludge becomes worse obviously, but it is still difficult to meet the requirement of sludge fluidity in the squeezing dewatering section. Therefore, a wedge-shaped pre-pressure dewatering section is added between the squeezing dewatering section and the gravity dewatering section. This ensures that the sludge will not be extruded in the press dewatering section under normal conditions, creating conditions for smooth press dewatering.

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