

ZDC combined high efficiency, low concentration, light and heavy slag remover


ZDC combined high efficiency, low concentration and light weight impurity remover is an ideal equipment for removing heavy and light impurities in slurry with larger volume of mixed adhesive, sand, paraffin, hot melt adhesive, plastic sheet, dust, foam, gas, iron chip and ink particles by centrifugal principle.

Single pass excess(L/min)380-450
Pulping pressure(MPa)0.2-0.4
Pulping pressure(MPa)140-175
Plasma concentration(%)0.5-1.0
Single volume slag discharge rate10-12%
五常市| 潞西市| 凌海市| 阳西县| 区。| 博兴县| 修武县| 翼城县| 油尖旺区| 拉萨市| 苍梧县| 达拉特旗| 全椒县| 阳西县| 沛县| 静安区| 新宁县| 唐河县| 无为县| 景谷| 蒙自县| 双辽市| 高尔夫| 邵阳市| 怀集县| 巴林右旗| 双流县| 赞皇县| 丹巴县| 绿春县| 渝中区| 绥德县| 彭山县| 宁南县| 漯河市| 南部县| 融水| 芦溪县| 武清区| 潮州市| 县级市|