

ZNY series internal flow pressure screen


  ZNY internal flow pressure screen is mainly used in the pulp and paper industry to screen before the paper machine, can not be used as a fine sieve pulping system. It has the advantages of large output, low pulse, no blockage, low power consumption and long service life.

Model ZNY0.6 ZNY0.8 ZNY1.2ZNY1.5ZNY2.0ZNY3.0
 Screening area(m2)
Screen hole range(mm)Φ1.2-Φ2Φ1.2-Φ2Φ1.2-Φ2Φ1.2-Φ2Φ1.2-Φ2Φ1.2-Φ2
Sifting range(mm)0.25-0.550.25-0.550.25-0.550.25-0.550.25-0.550.25-0.55
Pulping pressure(MPa)0.1-0.250.1-0.250.1-0.250.1-0.25 0.1-0.250.1-0.25
Pressure difference between inlet and outlet(MPa)0.01-0.040.01-0.040.01-0.040.01-0.040.01-0.040.01-0.04
Screening concentration(%)0.5-1.50.5-1.50.5-1.50.5-1.50.5-1.50.5-1.5
Motor power(kw)11-1

永平县| 武山县| 彭州市| 桃园市| 泰安市| 大理市| 会东县| 宝清县| 乐亭县| 壶关县| 长兴县| 四平市| 龙南县| 香格里拉县| 监利县| 定州市| 金门县| 肃南| 台山市| 元阳县| 桑日县| 建平县| 葫芦岛市| 壶关县| 阳信县| 东至县| 明溪县| 嘉荫县| 固镇县| 巴里| 临泽县| 麻栗坡县| 临海市| 和硕县| 塔河县| 新竹县| 兴山县| 海门市| 海城市| 赤城县| 巴里|